Melarcode - Vadakke Gramam
Also called "Mayilattoor" - At the western End of North Village Melarcode Gramam stands the small picturesque Temple with Lord MahaGanapathy being the Presiding Deity, along with the Naagar Sannidhi to the side. The 400-year old Temple is best known for its structural and cultural heritage. From the very inception of the Temple till date, it is a proud and well-established fact that all Poojais have been and are still performed regularly in strict accordance with the Aagama Sasthram, that too by Purohits from a singular lineage. The unique design of the Idol here in our Temple is that the Thumbhikkai (Trunk) of the Lord runs towards the left as against the right usually seen in other Temples. The present Idol made of Stone is said to be the third, with the former two having been immersed in the Palasam Kulam (Tank) belonging to the Village.
Location: The Melarcode Vadakke Gramam (North village) is located about 31 Kms south from the Palakkad railway station and 5 kms north of the Pollachi highway.
Address: JH89+MV4, North village, Melarcode, Alathur, Kerala 678703
Temple Timings:
5.00AM TO 8.30AM
5.30PM TO 7.30PM
The forefathers of this village are said to have migrated from Tamil Nadu – specifically from Tirunelveli and Thakazhi – several decades ago. They are said to have migrated specifically from Arumugamangalam in Tuticorin District, where there exists the similar tradition of conducting the Annual Uthsavam for 7 days in the historic "Aayirathu Enn Vinayagar" Temple during the Tamil month of Chithirai there. Famed for being the Kshethram and Sthalam where Adi Sankara composed the Ganesha Pancharathnam, it is believed that natural calamity forced the people there to relocate, thus inducing the journey to Thakazhi through Shenkottai.
Maha Ganapathy
Photo Gallery
Vinayka Chathurthy
Vrichika masam Vara Japam
Ayyappa Laksharchana
Ashtami Rohini
Karkitakam Bagavat Seva
Annual Utsavam – Thai poosam
Mooshika Vahanam
Cherunetturi Bhagavathi Chittilanchery
Other Agraharam Information
Total homes in the Agraharam: 30
Number and % of Brahmin homes: 30 or 100%
Number and % of homes retaining traditional look: 75%
Does the village have a brahmana samooham: Yes there is a samooham
Does the village temple have a temple car (theru): Pallakku
When was the last ashtabandhana kumbabhishekam done: May 13, 2013
There was a Yajur Veda Patasala till 1976
Contact Information
Sri M G Subramanian (Kumar) President – 9447382036
Sri M R Suryanarayanan (Ravi) Secretary – 8610820920
Sri M S Sreeram Treasurer - 9539892990
M G Subramanian -9447152367
M S Viswanathan -9446093318
K R Kailasanathan - 9447422941
Well Known Elders from the Agraharam
Sri Ayyambi Vadhyar
Sri Ganapathy VAdhyar
Melarcode Late Sri Vaidyanathan ( Vaithy Bagavathar) Namasankeerthanam
Melarcode Ravi bagavathar Namasankeerthanam
Melarcode Sisters Ranjani & Madhuvanthi, Namasankeerthanam
M N Ramaswamy Iyer (Banker)
Piancjeri Sankaranarayana Iyer (Business)
M V Ramani (Railway R M)
M N Venkata Subramanian Iyer
Dr Mohan (Medical R &D)
M N Krishnan Judge
Shivaram Krishnan Income Tax Commissioner
Food and Catering
K.V.Ramanarayanan (appu)
Navaneetha Gopalakrishnan (a.v house)
Other nearby eating places: Venkatesa Bhavan, Para, Elappully
Hall for functions and Lodging
Samooha Madom - Contact Sri Kumar - 9447382036
Bank Accounts for sending Kanikkai, donation or vazhipadu
A/c name:
Melarcode Vadakke Gramam Welfare society
Canara Bank Chittilanchery Branch 678704
IFSC Code CNRB0000744
A/C No: 0744201000149
UPI ID : 90350933000149@CNRB
Author's Notes
Melarcode - Vadakkegramam - 100 Agraharams Project
About the origin of the name, "Mayilattoor" was the former name of Melarcode ("Mayil" மயில் meaning peacock).
I found this soulful writeup about the agraharam in the website dedicated to the agraharam - melarcodevadakkegramam and happy to copy this for your understanding:
Our Village, North Village Melarcode is located about 25 kilometres from Palakkad Town and surrounded by lush paddy fields and greenery. It is a tiny, quaint yet beautiful Village, free from the hustles and bustles of urban life. There are about 25 houses in our Village inhibited purely by Brahmin families, the forefathers of whom are said to have migrated from Tamil Nadu – specifically from Tirunelveli and Thakazhi – several decades ago.
They are said to have migrated specifically from Arumugamangalam in Tuticorin District, where there exists the similar tradition of conducting the Annual Uthsavam for 7 days in the historic Aayirathu Enn Vinayagar Temple during the Tamil month of Chithirai there. Famed for being the Kshethram and Sthalam where Adi Sankara composed the Ganesha Pancharathnam, it is believed that natural calamity forced the people there to relocate, thus inducing the journey to Thakazhi through Shenkottai. The Sastha Preethi conducted in our Village during Uthsavam and Laksharchanai & Akandadhaarai Bhajanai during Mandala Season for Lord Ayyappa can be attributed to conduct of identical festivities in Thakazhi. Similarly, due to the proximity of Thiruchendur to Arumugamangalam, some of the families had and even today continue to have Lord Muruga as their Kula Deivam and even erected a shrine dedicated to Him in Arumugamangalam. This staunch devotion towards Lord Muruga, carried forward across generations, is the reason behind the conduct of Paanaga Poojai in our Temple during Uthsavam and Kaavadi Poojai during Panguni. The practice of taking the Uthsava Moorthi out for procession on Ratham can also be traced to the same custom there.
The Temple had earlier had several properties of land in the form of paddy fields, which were under the Tenancy System. The revenue derived from them were, at that time, being utilised for the maintenance and running of the Temple. Consequent to the implementation of the Land Reforms Act by the Kerala Government, the tenants became the owners of these lands. Thus, the Temple was deprived of revenues from such land. It was also then in need of Paddy for the daily Neividhyam, that was previously sourced directly from such fields. One such tenant was however a philanthropist of our Village and he made a kind gesture of handing back all the properties of land of the Temple / Samooham held by him under the Tenancy System back to the Temple. It is only because of this that the Paddy requirements of the Temple are even today met without any hassles.
But following the loss of the revenue, there was a dearth of funds to meet the other expenditures of the Temple – for Fuel, Oil for the Lamps, Service Charges and Salary to the Archaka. However, the moment this was put forth before the Villagers, all of them joined hands and immediately donated very liberally to create a sizeable fund and also proposed that a Trust could be formed to create further funds. The interest accrued thereon could also be earmarked for meeting any other expenditure. The off-shoot of this proposal was the formation of the “Melarcode Vadakke Gramam Welfare Society”, which has since then been registered and managed by a Board of Trustees elected from among the Villagers.
It may not be out of place to highlight here that the co-operation of the Members of the Village is the backbone for the smooth functioning of all the Village / Temple Affairs, apart from, of course, the blessings of Lord MahaGanapathy. Similarly, for the Lord MahaGanapathy Temple in the Village, huge amounts have been donated for improvements / additional structures to the Temple and ornaments for the Deity. The funds required for the Uthsava Moorthi made of Panchaloham and for the Neividhyams were also donated by a generous devotee. Extensive Yaagams have been conducted in the Village and the distinction of conducting the first Athirudram in the Temmalappuram Region goes to our Village and the families settled here.
The effects of all these Kainkaryam / services are now being reflected on the present generation by way of the bountiful blessings of Lord MahaGanapathy, enabling them to lead a peaceful and prosperous life and ensuring full success in all their attempts."
Radhe Krishna
100-Agraharams Project
Rama Bhagavathar Charitable Trust
August 24, 2024